Side Dish

Browse our collection of popular Japanese side dishes, including Pickled Cucumbers, Agedashi Tofu, Spinach Gomaae, and Japanese Rolled Omelette (tamagoyaki). These side dish recipes will round up your Japanese meals! They also go well with many of your favorite Asian food with a side of rice.

A bizenware containing kinpira gobo, a classic Japanese side dish.
A ceramic rice bowl containing Mame Gohan (Green Pea Rice).

Mame Gohan (Green Pea Rice) 豆ご飯

Mame Gohan, or Japanese green pea rice, is a classic rice dish that is...
A bizenware containing Chrysanthemum Greens and Tofu Salad (Shungiku Shiraae).

Chrysanthemum Greens and Tofu Salad (Shungiku Shiraae) 春菊の白和え

Chrysanthemum Greens and Tofu Salad (Shungiku Shiraae) is a Japanese vegetable side dish...
Sweet black soybeans garnished with a gold leaf in Japanese red and gold dishes.

Instant Pot Kuromame 黒豆 (圧力鍋)

These gemlike Sweet Black Soybeans or Kuromame, cooked in the Instant Pot, are a...
A Kamadosan (Japanese donabe) containing Tai Meshi (Japanese Sea Bream Rice) garnished with julienned ginger.

How to Make Tai Meshi with Leftover Baked Sea Bream 鯛飯

Flavored by a savory broth extracted from sea bream bone, this Japanese Sea Bream...
Blue and white Japanese bowls containing Green bean Gomaae.

Green Bean Gomaae (Sesame Dressing) インゲンの胡麻和え

Green Bean Gomaae is a classic Japanese side salad where we blanch fresh green...
Cranberry sauce served in a white ceramic bowl.

Easy Orange Ginger Cranberry Sauce

Made with just 5 ingredients, this delicious homemade Easy Orange Ginger Cranberry Sauce is...
A red bowl containing Creamy Mashed Potatoes with Shio Koji.

Creamy Mashed Potatoes with Shio Koji マッシュドポテト塩麹入り

Make the fluffiest and creamiest Mashed Potatoes with Shio Koji that are buttery and...
A white ceramic plate containing Maple and Miso Glazed Roasted Carrots.

Maple and Miso Glazed Roasted Carrots にんじんメープル味噌味

Savory-sweet Maple and Miso Glazed Roasted Carrots make a colorful and nutritious side dish...
A white bowl containing Green Beans with Yuzu Vinaigrette.

Green Beans with Yuzu Vinaigrette インゲンの柚子和え

Bring a Japanese flair to your party side dish with this Green Beans with...
A kamadosan donabe containing perfectly cooked Japanese rice.

How to Cook Rice in a Donabe 土鍋ご飯の炊き方

A simple, step-by-step tutorial on How to Cook Rice in a Donabe, a Japanese...
A Japanese rice bowl containing Myoga Shiso Rice (Mazegohan) served with pickled cucumber.

Myoga Shiso Rice (Mazegohan) ミョウガとしその混ぜご飯

Simple, fragrant, and flavorful, this Myoga Shiso Rice (Mazegohan) goes so well with any...
A flower shaped ceramic containing Pickled Cucumbers and Myoga.

Pickled Cucumbers and Myoga きゅうりとミョウガの浅漬け

With just 5 minutes of prep and a short brining time, you can enjoy...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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