Today I am partnering with Far West Rice to give away this really delicious Komachi Supreme Short Grain Rice. This month Just One Cookbook turned 2 year and 2 months old (whoo hoo!)!! My friends at Far West Rice are helping me celebrate the milestone by giving away their finest Komachi Supreme Short Grain Rice (two (2) lb bag) to two (2) winners!
Before I move on, please understand that personally I’m a huge fan of their rice ever since I tasted for the first time last summer. I have been purchasing Komachi Supreme Short Grain Rice on my own and my family and I have been enjoying this rice since last summer. Freshly milled rice tastes very different from rice that have been sitting on the store shelves for a while.
My family and I also visited Far West Rice in Nelson, California last November to learn how the rice is harvested and processed. If you are interested, you can read more about our field trip adventure and my review of the rice.
In case you are looking for Japanese rice recipes, here are our family’s favorite rice dishes!
Although I wish everyone can taste this amazing rice, we decided this giveaway should be open for US and Canada residents only. Shipping rice internationally is prohibitively expensive, and we also want to avoid potential violation of any customs regulation regarding shipping rice internationally. For my international readers, I’m sorry, but I promise to come back with some nice giveaway soon just for you!
Now, here’s your chance to win to taste this amazing rice! Click HERE to enter to win!
If you live in San Francisco Bay Area, here are a few stores that carry their products:
Tokyo Fish Market in Berkeley (They carry 2 lbs and 15 lbs)
Ichiban Kan in El Cerrito (They carry 2 lbs and 15 lbs)
Suruki Super Market in San Mateo (They carry 2 lbs and 15 lbs)
Takahashi Market in San Mateo (They carry only 2 lbs size)
(Or you can contact Far West Rice to order or to get more information.)