A black bowl containing somen noodle soup with vegetables, shiitake mushrooms, egg, kamaboko fish cake, garnish with green onion.

Somen Noodle Soup (Nyumen) (Video) にゅうめん

Known as nyumen in Japan, this quick and nourishing Somen Noodle Soup is a...
Beef udon noodle soup in a donburi bowl.

Beef Udon (Niku Udon) (Video) 肉うどん

Beef Udon is a Japanese comfort dish made of tender sliced beef on top...
A Japanese rice bowl containing Myoga Shiso Rice (Mazegohan) served with pickled cucumber.

Myoga Shiso Rice (Mazegohan) ミョウガとしその混ぜご飯

Simple, fragrant, and flavorful, this Myoga Shiso Rice (Mazegohan) goes so well with any...
A donburi bowl containing baked katsudon.

Baked Katsudon 揚げないカツ丼

With a crispy pork cutlet (tonkatsu) and runny egg simmered in a savory broth...
Japanese tea is poured on top of steamed rice and flaky baked salmon in a rice bowl.

Ochazuke (Green Tea Over Rice) お茶漬け

Craving a light, comforting dish? This easy Ochazuke with steamed rice, simple savory toppings,...
Japanese rice porridge served in a bowl with salmon, green onion, pickled plums, and shredded seaweed.

Japanese Rice Porridge (Okayu) お粥

All you need is rice and water to make my simple and easy Japanese...
An oval plate containing Futomaki (Thick Maki Sushi).

Futomaki 太巻き (Maki Sushi)

Futomaki or Maki Sushi is a traditional thick sushi roll with colorful ingredients that‘s...
Unagi Chazuke in a Japanese donburi bowl.

Unagi Chazuke (Hitsumabushi) 鰻茶漬け

Unagi Chazuke is a classic and comforting Japanese rice bowl of broiled unagi (eel)...
Black ceramic bowls containing Japanese Mixed Rice (Takikomi Gohan).

Instant Pot Takikomi Gohan (Video) 炊き込みご飯(圧力鍋)

Instant Pot Takikomi Gohan is traditional Japanese mixed rice with chicken and vegetables that‘s...
Silky and savory Japanese steamed egg custard Chawanmushi in a cup.

Instant Pot Chawanmushi (Video) 茶碗蒸し (圧力鍋)

Steamed in a dashi-based sauce, this Instant Pot Chawanmushi is a savory Japanese egg...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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