A white large donburi bowl containing steamed rice topped with chicken katsu, egg, and onion cooked in the savory seasoning.

Chicken Katsudon チキンカツ丼

In my easy Chicken Katsudon recipe, I simmer crispy breaded tenders with egg in...
Chawanmushi cups containing matsutake mushrooms, shrimp, and fish cake slices in a savory steamed egg mixture.

Matsutake Chawanmushi 松茸の茶碗蒸し

Steamed and silky Chawanmushi with Matsutake (Pine) Mushroom is a savory egg custard appetizer...
Matsutake Gohan

Matsutake Gohan (Wild Pine Mushroom Rice) 松茸ご飯

Matsutake gohan is aromatic Japanese rice cooked with dashi stock and matsutake mushroom, also...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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