Hoto noodle soup in the Japanese donabe pot.

Hoto Noodle Soup from Yamanashi ほうとう

With flat wheat noodles, vegetables, and meat in a miso-based broth, hearty Hoto Noodle...
Grilled mackerel (saba shioyaki) on a Japanese style plate, served with miso soup, rice and pickles.

Grilled Mackerel (Saba Shioyaki) 鯖の塩焼き

Baked in the oven, this Grilled Mackerel or Saba Shioyaki is the simplest fish...
Black ceramic bowls containing Japanese Mixed Rice (Takikomi Gohan).

Instant Pot Takikomi Gohan (Video) 炊き込みご飯(圧力鍋)

Instant Pot Takikomi Gohan is traditional Japanese mixed rice with chicken and vegetables that‘s...
A gray bowl containing Japanese Cream Stew (White Stew) with chicken and vegetables in a savory thick white sauce.

Instant Pot Cream Stew クリームシチュー (圧力鍋)

Hearty and delicious, this Instant Pot Cream Stew is a popular Japanese yoshoku dish...
Colorful thick Japanese sandwich, Wanpaku Sandiwch (Sando), shows the filling and piles up on the table.

Wanpaku Sandwich わんぱくサンド

Meet hottest style of sandwich from Japan - Wanpaku Sandwich (or Sando for short)....
Steamed vegetables on donabe steamer along with dipping sauce.

Steamed Vegetables with Miso Sesame Sauce (Mushi Nabe) 蒸し鍋で温野菜

Colorful, dashi-infused Steamed Vegetables with umami-packed Miso Sesame Sauce is a quick and delicious...
Tsukimi Dango on a black plate.

Tsukimi Dango 月見団子

The Japanese celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival by displaying Tuskimi Dango, white plain rice dumplings in...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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