A shell shaped bowl containing Asparagus with Miso Dressing (Karashi Sumisoae) garnished with salt pickled cherry blossom.

Asparagus with Miso Dressing (Karashi Sumisoae) アスパラガスの辛子酢味噌和え

Crisp-tender Asparagus with Miso Dressing is a classic and easy Japanese recipe with a...
A grey bowl containing Creamy Miso Pasta with Tofu and Asparagus.

Creamy Miso Pasta with Tofu and Asparagus

This Creamy Miso Pasta with Tofu and Asparagus is the comfort food you need...
Easy Wafu Pasta with Shrimp and Asparagus (Gluten Free) 海老とアスパラガスの簡単和風パスタ (グルテンフリー) | Easy Japanese Recipes at JustOneCookbook.com

Japanese Pasta with Shrimp and Asparagus 海老とアスパラガスの和風パスタ

Seasoned with soy sauce and flavorful dashi broth, this Japanese-style Pasta with Shrimp and...
Bacon-Wrapped Asparagus | Easy Japanese Recipes at JustOneCookbook.com

Bacon-Wrapped Asparagus

For a quick delicious bento side dish, try this bacon wrapped asparagus. Roll them...
Asparagus Beef Roll Bento with rice ball, edamame and fruit.

Asparagus Beef Roll Bento アスパラガスの牛肉巻き

Asparagus beef roll bento with edamame, tomatoes, and Onigiri (Japanese rice ball).
Shrimp Asparagus

Stir-Fried Shrimp & Asparagus in Black Bean Sauce – Guest Post By Wok With Ray

With amazing wok-charred flavors, this Stir-Fried Shrimp and Asparagus in Black Bean Sauce is...
A blue and white bowl containing Simmered Ganmodoki topped with yuzu zest and served with dashi soy broth and komatsuna greens.

Simmered Ganmodoki がんもどきの含め煮

My Simmered Ganmodoki recipe gives store-bought or frozen homemade Japanese fried tofu patties a...
A white plate containing Japanese Pasta with Shrimp and Broccolini.

Japanese-style Shrimp and Broccolini Pasta 海老とブロッコリーニの和風パスタ

Seasoned with crunchy garlic chili oil and butter, this delicious Japanese-style Pasta with Shrimp...
A Japanese lacquer box containing colorful Mosaic Sushi that's made of checkerboard pattern of various sashimi, tamago, and cucumber laid over sushi rice.

Mosaic Sushi モザイク寿司

This colorful Mosaic Sushi features sashimi, tamagoyaki rolled omelette, and vegetables arranged in a...
Mason jars containing Goma Dare (Japanese Sesame Sauce).

How to Make Sesame Sauce (Goma Dare) 胡麻だれ

Enjoy this simple Japanese Sesame Sauce (Goma Dare) recipe for shabu shabu hot pot,...
A plate containing Teriyaki Salmon served with steamed rice and miso soup.

Teriyaki Salmon (Video) 鮭の照り焼き

My Teriyaki Salmon recipe is so fast and easy—just pan-grill salmon fillets to tender...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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