Simmered Food

Discover the varieties of Japanese simmered foods!

A beautiful Japanese bowl containing simmered Japanese turnips sitting on the thick minced chicken sauce.
A beautiful Japanese bowl containing simmered Japanese turnips sitting on the thick minced chicken sauce.

Japanese Turnips with Soboro Ankake Sauce かぶのそぼろあんかけ

Simmered in dashi broth, tender Japanese Turnips with Soboro Ankake Sauce is a winter...
Simmered koyadofu with snow peas in a black ceramic bowl.

Simmered Koyadofu (Video) 高野豆腐の煮物

Made with freeze-dried tofu, this Simmered Koyadofu soaked in soy-dashi broth is a classic...
Baby Sardine Tsukudani (Jako Tsukudani) on a white plate.

Baby Sardine Tsukudani じゃこの佃煮

Simmered in soy sauce and mirin, Baby Sardine Tsukudani or Jako Tsukudani is a...
Simmered kombu in a small dish next to a bowl of steamed rice.

Kombu Tsukudani (Simmered Kombu) 昆布の佃煮

My recipe for simmered Kombu Tsukudani is a delicious way to use leftover kelp...
Fluted bowl containing Simmered Japanese Sweet Potatoes with Lemon.

Simmered Sweet Potatoes with Lemon さつまいものレモン煮

Simmered Sweet Potatoes with Lemon is an easy and classic way to enjoy Japanese...
A white ceramic bowl containing simmered taro topped with julienned lemon zest.

Simmered Taro (Satoimo no Nimono) 里芋の煮物

Simmered Taro (Satoimo no Nimono) is a classic Japanese home-cooked recipe that highlights this...
A Japanese ceramic bowl containing Simmered Kiriboshi Daikon.

Simmered Kiriboshi Daikon 切り干し大根の煮物

Cooked in a seasoned broth, Simmered Kiriboshi Daikon is a traditional Japanese side dish...
Simmered Bamboo Shoots in a handmade Japanese-style ceramic bowl.

Simmered Bamboo Shoots (Tosani)たけのこの土佐煮

Cooked in savory Japanese seasonings, crunchy Simmered Bamboo Shoots is an elegant dish to...
Oxtail Oden (Japanese Fish Cake Stew) being cooked in an Instant Pot

Oxtail Oden (Fish Cake Stew) (Video) 牛テールおでん

This is a fancier version of oden - Japanese fish cake stew - with...
A blue Japanese plate containing salmon kombu rolls.

Salmon Kombu Roll 鮭の昆布巻き

Flavorful salmon rolled up in kombu and tied with kanpyo (gourd strips), Salmon Kombu...
Simmered Kabocha Squash in a Japanese square bowl.

Japanese Simmered Kabocha かぼちゃの煮物

Cooked in a savory dashi broth, this Japanese Simmered Kabocha Squash makes a comforting healthy...
Simmered Kabocha | Easy Japanese Recipes at

Simmered Kabocha with Shio Koji 南瓜の塩麹煮

Delicious simmered kabocha squash flavored with Japanese seasoning shio koji (fermented rice malk and...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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