
Japanese cooking has many cutting techniques, kannon-biraki is when you butterfly both sides of the chicken or fish filet. This technique makes the thick-flesh fish/meat thinner so it’ll be easier and quicker for the fish/meat to cook through.

1. Slice down the middle.

Kannon Biraki 1

2. Slice through to the left.

Kannon Biraki 2

3. And to right from the center, like a french door.

Kannon Biraki 3

4. Now it’s ready to use.

Kannon Biraki 4

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Hi Nami San
I’m very pleased to find you
I’m an experience chef ( Japanese )
Cosines I spend a year in Japan and run my own sushi shop in Australia
I’m always looking for information also looking for proffecion like you!!
Domo aregatoo gozaey masoo!