
Browse our delicious & inspiring vegan recipes! You’ll love recipes like Steamed Vegetables with Miso Sesame Sauce, Japanese Spinach SaladKenchinjiru (vegetable soup with root vegetables & tofu.) and Yaki Onigiri.

We also include easy-to-convert vegan dishes where you could easily switch out one or two ingredients. For any recipes using dashi, use vegetarian dashi like kombu dashi or shiitake dashi.

A Japanese rice bowl containing Soy-Glazed Eggplant Donburi topped with julienned shiso and toasted sesame seeds.
A bamboo basket containing homemade udon noodles.

Homemade Udon Noodles (Video) 手打ちうどん

Learn how to make homemade udon noodles from scratch in the traditional Japanese method...
A square plate containing Miso Glazed Eggplant garnished with yuzu kosho.

Miso Glazed Eggplant 茄子の味噌焼き

Baked and broiled in the oven, this Miso-Glazed Eggplant is nicely caramelized on the...
A white plate containing Spicy Japanese Pickled Cucumbers sprinkled with white sesame seeds.

Spicy Japanese Pickled Cucumbers ピリ辛きゅうりの浅漬け

Marinated in a simple pickling agent, these Quick Japanese Pickled Cucumbers (Asazuke) are a...
A rice bowl containing Myoga Yukari Mazegohan.

Myoga Yukari Rice (Mazegohan) ミョウガとゆかりの混ぜご飯

This Myoga Yukari Mazegohan is a wonderful summer mixed rice made with Japanese ginger...
A Weck jar containing homemade fukujinzuke (Japanese pickles for curry).

Homemade Fukujinzuke (Japanese Pickles for Curry) 福神漬け

Homemade Fukujinzuke are salty-and-sweet daikon, cucumber, eggplant, and lotus root pickles—a must-have crunchy relish...
A ceramic plate containing Yakitori Style Grilled Vegetables along with Nigori Sake.

Yakitori-Style Grilled Vegetables 焼き野菜盛り合わせ

Glazed in a homemade tare sauce, these Yakitori-Style Grilled Vegetables vow to bring colors...
Mason jars containing beni shoga (Japanese red pickled ginger).

Beni Shoga (Red Pickled Ginger) 紅生姜

Beni Shoga (Red Pickled Ginger) is julienned young ginger that has been pickled in...
A weck jar containing ume miso.

Ume Miso 梅味噌

Make this sweet and fragrant homemade Ume Miso with seasonal Japanese plums, miso, and...
A ceramic bowl containing freshly made Pickled Sushi Ginger (Gari).

Pickled Sushi Ginger (Gari) (Video) 新生姜の甘酢漬け

Pickled Sushi Ginger, known as “Gari“ in Japanese, is perfect for cleansing the palate...
A rice bowl containing Sekihan (Red Bean Rice).

Sekihan (Red Bean Rice) (Video) 赤飯

Traditional Japanese rice recipe enjoyed during celebrations, sweet rice cooked with red bean and...
A bizenware containing kinpira gobo, a classic Japanese side dish.

Kinpira Gobo (Braised Burdock Root) (Video) きんぴらごぼう

Kinpira Gobo is a traditional Japanese side dish of shredded burdock root and carrot...
A shell shaped bowl containing Asparagus with Miso Dressing (Karashi Sumisoae) garnished with salt pickled cherry blossom.

Asparagus with Miso Dressing (Karashi Sumisoae) アスパラガスの辛子酢味噌和え

Crisp-tender Asparagus with Miso Dressing is a classic and easy Japanese recipe with a...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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