Mug cups containing kabocha soup served on a wooden tray.

Kabocha Soup (Video) かぼちゃスープ

Kabocha Squash Soup recipe with a few simple ingredients is a delicious and creamy...
A Japanese blue and white rice bowl containing Takikomi Gohan (Mixed Rice).

Takikomi Gohan (Japanese Mixed Rice) (Video) 炊き込みご飯

Takikomi Gohan is a Japanese mixed rice recipe with seasonal ingredients—a comforting and gluten-free...
Grilled Sanma | Just One

Sanma Shioyaki (Grilled Pacific Saury) 秋刀魚の塩焼き

Classic Japanese Sanma Shioyaki (Grilled Pacific Saury) is cooked whole over charcoal until the...
A rice bowl containing Hijiki Rice (Takikomi Gohan) served with pickles on the side.

Hijiki Rice (Takikomi Gohan) ひじき炊き込みご飯

Hijiki Rice is a Japanese mixed rice (takikomi gohan) with dashi, carrots, fried tofu,...
A special Japanese chawanmushi cup containing savory steamed custard filled with kamaboko fish cake, chicken, and mushroom.

Chawanmushi (Japanese Savory Steamed Custard) 茶碗蒸し

Chawanmushi is a Japanese steamed egg custard served in a cup. Serve this savory...
A rice bowl containing Sweet Potato Rice (Satsumaimo Gohan) sprinkled with gomashio (salt & black sesame seeds).

Japanese Sweet Potato Rice さつまいもご飯

Fragrant Japanese Sweet Potato Rice is a classic dish with tender, golden chunks of...
A rice bowl containing Sekihan (Red Bean Rice).

Sekihan (Red Bean Rice) (Video) 赤飯

Traditional Japanese rice recipe enjoyed during celebrations, sweet rice cooked with red bean and...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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