A baking pan containing Nama Donuts, dusted with powdered sugar and filled with the custard.

Nama Donuts (Video) 生ドーナツ

This Nama Donut recipe makes heavenly homemade Japanese donuts like pillowy-soft clouds filled with...
A large plate containing Chocolate Gateau (Chocolate Cake) dusted with powdered sugar and decorated with whipped cream and strawberries.

Chocolate Gateau (Chocolate Cake) ガトーショコラ

Moist and rich Chocolate Gateau recipe adorned with strawberries and fresh whipped cream is...
A fluted plate containing baked Tonkatsu drizzled with tonkatsu sauce, shredded cabbage, cucumber slices, and tomato wedges.

Baked Tonkatsu (Video) 揚げないとんかつ

This Baked Tonkatsu recipe with the right techniques and tips is a total game...
Tall glass cups containing Iced Matcha Latte.

Iced Matcha Latte (Video) アイス抹茶ラテ

Refreshing and creamy Iced Matcha Latte is perfect for warm days. It‘s so easy...
A white bowl containing Shiso Pesto Pasta garnished with shaved Parmesan cheese and shiso leaves.

Shiso Pesto Pasta (Video) 大葉ジェノベーゼパスタ

With homemade green perilla pesto sauce, this Shiso Pesto Pasta is a light and...
A mason jar containing Homemade Shiso Pesto.

Homemade Shiso Pesto 大葉ジェノベーゼ

Homemade Shiso Pesto takes just 10 minutes to make. My vegetarian recipe is a...
Colorful plates containing Okinawa Taco Rice with flavorful taco fixings served on a bed of hot Japanese white rice.

Okinawa Taco Rice (Video) タコライス

Okinawan Taco Rice is a surprisingly delicious fusion of Tex-Mex and Japanese cuisines with...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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