A beige ceramic dish containing steamed rice and Japanese cream stew.

Japanese Cream Stew (White Stew) クリームシチュー

Japanese Cream Stew (White Stew) is rich and creamy, packed with tender chicken and...
Japanese wooden bowls containing Nameko Mushroom Miso Soup.

Nameko Mushroom Miso Soup なめこ汁

With an earthy, nutty flavor and a creamy texture, this Nameko Mushroom Miso Soup...
A white bowl containing kimchi soup that's made of Malony glass noodles, kimchi, egg, and pork.

Kimchi Soup with Malony Glass Noodles

Loaded with kimchi, pork, and egg, Kimchi Soup with Malony Glass Noodles is an...
Tonjiru (Pork and Vegetable Soup) served with grilled salmon, steamed rice, and vegetable side dishes.

Tonjiru (Pork and Vegetable Miso Soup) (Video) 豚汁

Tonjiru (also known as butajiru) is a savory pork and vegetable miso soup that...
Japanese lacquer bowls containing red bean soup with mochi.

Zenzai (Oshiruko) – Red Bean Soup with Mochi ぜんざい

Learn 3 ways to make a popular Japanese winter dessert at home called Zenzai...
A blue Japanese bowl containing Nishime, simmered vegetables and chicken.

Instant Pot Nishime 煮しめ (圧力鍋)

Simmered root vegetables and chicken in a soy-dashi broth, Nishime cooks fast in the...
Tonjiru served in a black bowl.

Instant Pot Tonjiru (Pork and Vegetable Miso Soup) 豚汁(圧力鍋)

Tonjiru (sometimes called Butajiru) is a hearty pork and vegetable miso soup. With just...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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