A white ceramic bowl containing simmered taro topped with julienned lemon zest.

Simmered Taro (Satoimo no Nimono) 里芋の煮物

Simmered Taro (Satoimo no Nimono) is a classic Japanese home-cooked recipe that highlights this...
A blue and white bowl containing Simmered Ganmodoki topped with yuzu zest and served with dashi soy broth and komatsuna greens.

Simmered Ganmodoki がんもどきの含め煮

My Simmered Ganmodoki recipe gives store-bought or frozen homemade Japanese fried tofu patties a...
A Japanese ceramic bowl containing simmered chicken and vegetables.

Chikuzenni (Nishime) – Simmered Chicken and Vegetables 筑前煮

Chikuzenni or Nishime is a classic Japanese dish of simmered root vegetables and chicken...
A donabe clay pot containing Japanese fish cake stew called oden, an assortment of fish balls and fish cakes.

Oden (Japanese Fish Cake Stew) おでん

Oden is a Japanese fish cake stew simmered in a soy sauce-based dashi broth...
A mason jar containing Homemade Shiro Dashi (Versatile Dashi Base).

Homemade Shiro Dashi (Versatile Dashi Base) 白だし

Homemade Shiro Dashi is a light-colored broth base that allows you to season food...
A white plate containing Japanese simmered beef and tofu (niku dofu).

Simmered Beef and Tofu (Niku Dofu) 肉豆腐

Known as an easy version of Sukiyaki, Japanese Simmered Beef and Tofu, or Niku...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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