A bowl containing anmitsu, a traditional dessert with kanten jelly, fruits, mochi, green tea ice cream, and sweet red bean paste.

Anmitsu (Video) あんみつ

Anmitsu is a delightful Japanese wagashi dessert with kanten jelly, fruit, mochi, red bean...
Kuromitsu | JustOneCookbook.com

Kuromitsu (Black Sugar Syrup)

Kuromitsu (黒蜜 “black honey”) is a complex and delicious dark brown syrup made from...
Bitter Melon Salad | JustOneCookbook.com

Bitter Melon Salad ゴーヤの白和え

Healthy and light Bitter Melon Salad with a nutty tofu sesame sauce is so...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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