Sata Andagi (Okinawan Doughnuts) in a white basket.

Sata Andagi (Okinawan Doughnuts) サーターアンダギー

You only need 3 ingredients to make a delicious Okinawan treat called Sata Andagi....
A blue plate containing 2 slices of Rafute (Okinawan Braised Pork Belly) garnished with julienned ginger.

Rafute (Okinawan Braised Pork Belly) ラフテー

Exceptionally juicy and tender, this classic Okinawan Braised Pork Belly called Rafute (ラフテー) is...
A baking pan containing Nama Donuts, dusted with powdered sugar and filled with the custard.

Nama Donuts (Video) 生ドーナツ

This Nama Donut recipe makes heavenly homemade Japanese donuts like pillowy-soft clouds filled with...
A fluted plate containing Yakisoba (Japanese Stir-Fried Noodles).

Yakisoba (Japanese Stir-Fried Noodles)(Video) 焼きそば

Yakisoba is classic Japanese stir-fried noodles seasoned with sweet and savory sauce similar to...
Colorful plates containing Okinawa Taco Rice with flavorful taco fixings served on a bed of hot Japanese white rice.

Okinawa Taco Rice (Video) タコライス

Okinawan Taco Rice is a surprisingly delicious fusion of Tex-Mex and Japanese cuisines with...
Thin slices of Chashu on the cutting board.

Chashu チャーシュー

Make this melt-in-your-mouth Chashu pork belly at home! Braised in a sweet and savory...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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