A white plate containing Stir-Fried Garlic Chives and Egg Over Rice.

Niratama Donburi (Garlic Chives and Egg Over Rice) (Video) ニラ玉

Niratama Donburi (Garlic Chives and Egg Stir Fry) is a comforting Japanese dish to...
A glass container with fresh shiso leaves marinated in garlic soy sauce.

Shiso Garlic Soy Sauce 大葉にんにく醤油

My easy recipe for Shiso Garlic Soy Sauce is based on the infused condiment...
Garlic Miso Chicken Bento | JustOneCookbook.com

Garlic Miso Chicken Bento ガーリック味噌チキン弁当

Delicious garlic miso chicken bento with strawberry, kiwi, and onigiri.
A bowl containing Mazesoba (Mazemen), Japanese Brothless Ramen, topped with seasoned minced meat, green onion, garlic chives, nori seaweed, crushed garlic, and katsuobushi powder.

Mazesoba (Mazemen) 台湾まぜそば

Mazesoba, or often called Mazemen here in the US, is Japanese brothless ramen that...
A round plate containing Japanese pan-fried dumplings, Napa Cabbage Gyoza, served with a savory miso dumpling sauce.

Gyoza with Miso Dipping Sauce 白菜餃子

Try mild and sweet napa cabbage in the filling of your Japanese pan-fried dumplings...
A white ceramic plate containing Okonomiyaki, a savory Japanese cabbage pancake topped with okonomi sauce, Kewpie mayo, and bonito flakes.

Okonomiyaki Recipe (Video) お好み焼き

A street food from Osaka, Okonomiyaki is a Japanese savory pancake "grilled as you...
Ramen bowls containing Spicy Shoyu Ramen topped with chashu, marinated egg (ajitama), fish cake, scallions, and nori.

Easy and Authentic Ramen Recipes You Can Make at Home

From miso ramen to tantanmen to shoyu ramen, these are the popular ramen dishes...
A fluted oval shape containing stir-fried mushrooms and eggs drizzled with ankake sauce.

Stir-Fried Mushrooms and Eggs with Ankake Sauce

Tangy and savory Stir-Fried Mushrooms and Eggs with Ankake Sauce is a delicious Japanese...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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