A ceramic rice bowl containing Mame Gohan (Green Pea Rice).

Mame Gohan (Green Pea Rice) 豆ご飯

Mame Gohan, or Japanese green pea rice, is a classic rice dish that is...
green iced tea in a glass cup on top of marble table next to a book and a plant

How to Cold Brew Green Tea 水出し緑茶

Learn how to cold brew Japanese green tea at home with my easy method...
Green tea mochi showing green filling and white filling.

Green Tea Mochi (Video) 抹茶大福

Perfectly chewy with a hint of sweetness, Green Tea Mochi is timeless Japanese sweet...
Soboro Bento with fresh fruits.

Soboro Bento そぼろ弁当

Colorful bento with sweet tender ground chicken, green peas, egg, and fruits.
White ceramic bowls containing Bacon Asparagus Miso Soup topped with a slice of butter.

Bacon Asparagus Miso Soup

With chunks of tender potatoes, my savory Bacon Asparagus Miso Soup provides warm comfort...
A white plate containing Japanese Pasta with Shrimp and Broccolini.

Japanese-style Shrimp and Broccolini Pasta 海老とブロッコリーニの和風パスタ

Seasoned with crunchy garlic chili oil and butter, this delicious Japanese-style Pasta with Shrimp...
A rice bowl containing Hijiki Rice (Takikomi Gohan) served with pickles on the side.

Hijiki Rice (Takikomi Gohan) ひじき炊き込みご飯

Hijiki Rice is a Japanese mixed rice (takikomi gohan) with dashi, carrots, fried tofu,...
A Japanese lacquer box containing colorful Mosaic Sushi that's made of checkerboard pattern of various sashimi, tamago, and cucumber laid over sushi rice.

Mosaic Sushi モザイク寿司

This colorful Mosaic Sushi features sashimi, tamagoyaki rolled omelette, and vegetables arranged in a...
A ceramic bowl containing homemade Furikake Chex Mix.

Furikake Chex Mix (Video)

Make this Hawaiian favorite, Furikake Chex Mix, for a holiday gift exchange, movie/game night,...
A Hario donabe (Japanese clay pot) containing Japanese Mushroom Rice topped with butter, chives, and sea salt flakes.

Japanese Mushroom Rice きのこご飯

This umami-rich Japanese Mushroom Rice is cooked in a savory dashi soy broth and...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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