cucumber wrapped sushi on a white plate

Cucumber Wrapped Sushi きゅうりの軍艦巻き

Serve this easy and fun Cucumber-Wrapped Sushi filled with sashimi or your favorite creative...
Grilled Sanma | Just One

Sanma Shioyaki (Grilled Pacific Saury) 秋刀魚の塩焼き

Classic Japanese Sanma Shioyaki (Grilled Pacific Saury) is cooked whole over charcoal until the...
Pickled Turnip with Yuzu on a blue plate.

Pickled Turnip with Yuzu カブの浅漬け (ゆず風味)

Pickled Turnip with Yuzu recipe is easy and quick thanks to a short pickling...
Sanma Shioyaki

Sanma Shioyaki (Salt-Grilled Pacific Saury) さんま塩焼き

Sanma Shioyaki is an easy Japanese grilled fish recipe of Pacific saury with grated...
Japanese salad dressing (Wafu Dressing) over the iceberg salad.

Wafu Dressing (Japanese Salad Dressing) 和風ドレッシング

Simple and delicious soy sauce based Japanese salad dressing, flavored with grated onion, soy...
Temari sushi in a black lacquer box.

Temari Sushi 手まり寿司

Celebrate happy occasions with these colorful ball-shaped Temari Sushi! It‘s the prettiest sushi you...
Shrimp tempura on a plate along with the dipping sauce.

Shrimp Tempura 海老の天ぷら

Delicious Shrimp Tempura recipe! The secret to making a light, crisp coating that doesn't...
Fried Lotus Root with Pork on a white plate.

Fried Lotus Root with Pork 蓮根のはさみ揚げ

Fried Lotus Root with Pork - delicious pork & shiitake mushroom mixture sandwiched between...
Spring Rolls with Sesame Ponzu Vinaigrette | Easy Japanese Recipes at

Pork Spring Rolls with Ponzu

Pork Spring Rolls with a Japanese twist - the Sesame Ponzu dipping sauce is...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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