Arroz a la Cubana and white rice on a plate.

Arroz a la Cubana

Simple and nutritious rice dish with ground meat simmered in a delicious and aromatic...
Kakiage Don

Kakiage Tempura Don かき揚げ丼

Kakiage don is a delightful rice bowl dish topped with shredded vegetables and shrimp...
Chicken Scallopini with Lemon Butter Pasta |

Chicken Scallopini with Lemon Butter Pasta

Simple and quick pasta sauce made from sauté onion, garlic and thyme, bacon, mushroom...
Chawanmushi cups containing matsutake mushrooms, shrimp, and fish cake slices in a savory steamed egg mixture.

Matsutake Chawanmushi 松茸の茶碗蒸し

Steamed and silky Chawanmushi with Matsutake (Pine) Mushroom is a savory egg custard appetizer...
Chicken & Tofu Hamburger Steak II

Tofu and Chicken Burger 豆腐ハンバーグ

Japanese Tofu and Chicken Burger is a soft, juicy, and light hambuger steak topped...
A white plate containing Eggplant Parmesan Spaghetti.

Eggplant Parmesan Spaghetti

Delicious eggplant parmesan spaghetti recipe with deep fried golden eggplant topped with mozzarella cheese...
A white plate containing Spaghetti Meat Sauce.

Spaghetti Meat Sauce スパゲッティーミートソース

Spaghetti Meat Sauce is an easy and popular recipe that‘s served over pasta in...
Fried Lotus Root with Pork on a white plate.

Fried Lotus Root with Pork 蓮根のはさみ揚げ

Fried Lotus Root with Pork - delicious pork & shiitake mushroom mixture sandwiched between...
Chicken Cacciatore |

Chicken Cacciatore チキンケチャトーレ

Japanese call Chicken Cacciatore "Chicken Tomato Ni (チキンのトマト煮)" and it is actually a pretty...
Korokke on a white plate.

Korokke (Potato & Meat Croquette) コロッケ

Popular Japanese potato and meat croquettes called Korokke are breaded and deep-fried for a...
Gobo and Miso Takikomi Gohan |

Gobo and Miso Takikomi Gohan 牛蒡と味噌の炊き込みご飯

Gobo and Miso Takikomi Gohan is a savory Japanese mixed rice with burdock root...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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