A white ceramic bowl containing Miso Soup with enoki mushrooms, tofu, and Japanese long green onion, topped with ground sesame seeds.

Miso Soup with Enoki Mushrooms and Ground Sesame エノキのごま味噌汁

Thanks to a quick dashi stock, it takes only 15 minutes to prepare my...
A fluted oval shape containing stir-fried mushrooms and eggs drizzled with ankake sauce.

Stir-Fried Mushrooms and Eggs with Ankake Sauce

Tangy and savory Stir-Fried Mushrooms and Eggs with Ankake Sauce is a delicious Japanese...
A Hario donabe (Japanese clay pot) containing Japanese Mushroom Rice topped with butter, chives, and sea salt flakes.

Japanese Mushroom Rice きのこご飯

This umami-rich Japanese Mushroom Rice is cooked in a savory dashi soy broth and...
Assortment of mushrooms are wrapped and cooked in foil with miso and butter.

Miso Butter Mushrooms in Foil きのこのホイル焼き

These miso butter mushrooms in foil packets are so easy to make with a...
A white ceramic plate containing Japanese-style Tuna Mushroom Pasta garnished with shredded nori and shiso leaves.

Japanese-Style Tuna Mushroom Pasta ツナときのこのパスタ

With pantry staples like butter, canned tuna, and Mentsuyu, you can easily make this...
Japanese wooden bowls containing Nameko Mushroom Miso Soup.

Nameko Mushroom Miso Soup なめこ汁

With an earthy, nutty flavor and a creamy texture, this Nameko Mushroom Miso Soup...
Creamy Mushroom and Bacon Pasta on a grey plate.

Creamy Mushroom and Bacon Pasta

Creamy Mushroom and Bacon Pasta with a Japanese twist! A dash of soy sauce...
Warm Mushroom Salad with Sesame Dressing in a dark ceramic bowl.

Warm Mushroom Salad with Sesame Dressing きのこの胡麻和え温サラダ

With just a handful of ingredients, this quick and easy Warm Mushrooms Salad with...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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