Katsu Sando stacked on top of each other.

Katsu Sando カツサンド

With a crispy and juicy baked pork cutlet sandwiched between soft and pillowy Japanese...
A white dish containing Chicken Meatballs with Sweet and Sour Sauce.

Chicken Meatballs with Sweet and Sour Sauce チキンミートボール甘酢和え

So juicy, tender, and easy to make, these delicious Chicken Meatballs with Sweet and...
Menchi Katsu Sandwich is a ground meat patty coated with crispy panko and deep fried into golden brown. It is then topped with thinly sliced cabbage and homemade tartar sauce, and sandwiched in soft brioche buns.

Menchi Katsu Sandwich メンチカツサンド

Make a juicy burger in a brioche bun using a leftover Japanese ground meat...
Wire basket containing golden and crispy Kushikatsu (Kushiage) served with savory sauce.

Kushikatsu (Kushiage) (Video) 串カツ・串揚げ

Kushikatsu (Kushiage) are popular Japanese meat and veggie skewers deep-fried to a golden crisp...
A plate containing menchi katsu (ground meat cutlet) along with shredded vegetables and tartar sauce.

Menchi Katsu (Ground Meat Cutlet) メンチカツ

Panko-coated hamburger steaks deep-fried to a crunchy goodness, these juicy Menchi Katsu (Japanese Ground...
A donburi bowl containing crispy tonkatsu over rice topped with tonkatsu sauce.

Crispy Tonkatsu Donburi クリスピーとんかつ丼ぶり

Breaded pork loin deep-fried to perfection and place on a bed of steamed rice,...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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