Carrot, radish, and garlic misozuke (miso pickles) in a white ceramic.

Tsukemono – Misozuke (Miso Pickling) 味噌漬け

Misozuke or Japanese miso pickles are among the easiest tsukemono you can make at...
Tsukemono in a Japanese ceramic.

Tsukemono – Shiozuke (Salt Pickling) 塩漬け

Shiozuke is the simplest Japanese pickle - Tsukemono. All you need is salt, water,...
Black ceramic bowls containing Japanese Mixed Rice (Takikomi Gohan).

Instant Pot Takikomi Gohan (Video) 炊き込みご飯(圧力鍋)

Instant Pot Takikomi Gohan is traditional Japanese mixed rice with chicken and vegetables that‘s...
Silky and savory Japanese steamed egg custard Chawanmushi in a cup.

Instant Pot Chawanmushi (Video) 茶碗蒸し (圧力鍋)

Steamed in a dashi-based sauce, this Instant Pot Chawanmushi is a savory Japanese egg...
A donabe containing udon noodles, chicken, fish cakes, deep fried tofu, mushrooms, and leeks in a hearty miso broth.

Miso Nikomi Udon 味噌煮込みうどん

Miso Nikomi Udon is a hearty, comforting noodle soup with chicken, fish cake, and...
Ankimo served on a blue plate.

Ankimo あん肝

Known as the foie gras of the sea, Ankimo is steamed monkfish liver. You...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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