A red bowl containing Clam Miso Soup.

Japanese Clam Miso Soup あさりの味噌汁

Flavorful manila clam miso soup in dashi kombu stock, garnished with green onion.
A flower shape bowl containing Japanese Cucumber Salad with Crab.

Japanese Cucumber Salad with Crab きゅうりとワカメと蟹の酢の物

Tossed with wakame seaweed and imitation crab meat, this sweet and tangy Japanese Cucumber...
Soboro Bento with fresh fruits.

Soboro Bento そぼろ弁当

Colorful bento with sweet tender ground chicken, green peas, egg, and fruits.
Grilled Sanma | Just One Cookbook.com

Sanma Shioyaki (Grilled Pacific Saury) 秋刀魚の塩焼き

Classic Japanese Sanma Shioyaki (Grilled Pacific Saury) is cooked whole over charcoal until the...
Roasted Chestnuts | Just One Cookbook.com

Roasted Chestnuts 焼き栗

Chestnut roasted over charcoal, healthy snack recipe for the fall.
Korokke Bento with rice, tomatoes and fruit.

Korokke Bento コロッケ弁当

Delicious fried Korokke bento with tonkatsu sauce, strawberry, and furikake over rice.
Nutella Banana Bread | JustOneCookbook.com

Nutella Banana Bread

Delicious homemade Nutella Banana Bread, easy recipe for breakfast or quick snack. Top...
A white ramekin containing chocolate souffle.

Chocolate Souffle

Bake a restaurant-quality, homemade chocolate soufflé dusted with powdered sugar. This soft and fluffy...
Miso Chilean Sea Bass | Just One Cookbook.com

Miso Sea Bass 銀むつ味噌焼き

Try my easy and buttery Miso Sea Bass recipe with a sweet miso taste...
Chicken Teriyaki Bento on a table.

Chicken Teriyaki Bento チキン照り焼き弁当

Make extra chicken for dinner and pack it the next morning in a Chicken...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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