A ceramic plate containing Yakitori Style Grilled Vegetables along with Nigori Sake.

Yakitori-Style Grilled Vegetables 焼き野菜盛り合わせ

Glazed in a homemade tare sauce, these Yakitori-Style Grilled Vegetables vow to bring colors...
A white rectangular plate containing yakitori, Japanese grilled chicken and scallion skewers, coated with savory yakitori sauce and served with shichimi togarashi on the side.

Yakitori Recipe 焼き鳥

Glazed in a savory, caramelized homemade sauce, simple Japanese Grilled Chicken and Scallion Skewers...
Shrimp and vegetable tempura on a plate along with the dipping sauce.

How to Make the Best Tempura 天ぷら

Make perfect tempura at home with my easy-to-follow recipe and helpful tips for making...
Teppanyaki at home.

Teppanyaki Recipe 鉄板焼き

The ultimate guide on how to make Japanese Teppanyaki at home with an electric...
Wire basket containing golden and crispy Kushikatsu (Kushiage) served with savory sauce.

Kushikatsu (Kushiage) (Video) 串カツ・串揚げ

Kushikatsu (Kushiage) are popular Japanese meat and veggie skewers deep-fried to a golden crisp...
Yellowtail teriyaki served with blistered shishito peppers.

Yellowtail Teriyaki ぶりの照り焼き

Yellowtail Teriyaki (Buri no Teriyaki) is a traditional grilled fish for an Osechi meal...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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