Seafood salad with vinaigrette in the white baking dish.

Seafood Salad with Vinaigrette シーフードマリネ

Soaked up in a delicious marinade, this Seafood Salad is composed of succulent shrimp, delicate octopus, and...
A white bowl containing Crispy Noodles with Seafood (Sara Udon).

Sara Udon (Crispy Noodles with Seafood) 長崎皿うどん

Sara Udon is a Japanese take on the popular Chinese crispy noodles dish with...
Nagasaki Champon served in a ramen bowl.

Champon 長崎ちゃんぽん

Loaded with various and colorful ingredients, Nagasaki Champon is a hearty and comforting noodle...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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