Miso ramen with homemade chashu and ramen egg garnished with nori.

Miso Ramen Recipe 味噌ラーメン

Make a hot bowl of homemade Miso Ramen with authentic broth in less than...
A black bowl containing somen noodle soup with vegetables, shiitake mushrooms, egg, kamaboko fish cake, garnish with green onion.

Somen Noodle Soup (Nyumen) (Video) にゅうめん

Known as nyumen in Japan, this quick and nourishing Somen Noodle Soup is a...
Assortment of mushrooms are wrapped and cooked in foil with miso and butter.

Miso Butter Mushrooms in Foil きのこのホイル焼き

These miso butter mushrooms in foil packets are so easy to make with a...
Beef udon noodle soup in a donburi bowl.

Beef Udon (Niku Udon) (Video) 肉うどん

Beef Udon is a Japanese comfort dish made of tender sliced beef on top...
A bamboo basket containing homemade udon noodles.

Homemade Udon Noodles (Video) 手打ちうどん

Learn how to make homemade udon noodles from scratch in the traditional Japanese method...
Ginger pork served with shredded cabbage on a white ceramic plate.

Ginger Pork (Shogayaki) (Video) 豚の生姜焼き

With tender and thinly sliced pork loin in a sweet ginger sauce, Japanese Ginger...
A Weck jar containing Japanese ginger sweet pickles (Myoga Amazuzuke).

Myoga Amazuzuke (Sweet Pickled Japanese Ginger) みょうが甘酢漬け

Lucky enough to get myoga? Make this refreshing Myoga Amazuzuke (Sweet Pickled Japanese Ginger)....
A white ceramic plate containing twice cooked pork.

Twice Cooked Pork (Hoi Ko Ro) ホイコーロ

Originated in Sichuan, Twice Cooked Pork became one of the most popular Chinese dishes...
A Kamadosan (Japanese donabe) containing Tai Meshi (Japanese Sea Bream Rice) garnished with julienned ginger.

How to Make Tai Meshi with Leftover Baked Sea Bream 鯛飯

Flavored by a savory broth extracted from sea bream bone, this Japanese Sea Bream...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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