Bamboo rice in a bizen Japanese rice bowl and in a donabe (Japanese clay pot).

Bamboo Rice (Takenoko Gohan) (Video) たけのこご飯

Cooked in classic Japanese dashi broth, this simple and elegant Bamboo Rice or Takenoko Gohan...
Black ceramic bowls containing Japanese Mixed Rice (Takikomi Gohan).

Instant Pot Takikomi Gohan (Video) 炊き込みご飯(圧力鍋)

Instant Pot Takikomi Gohan is traditional Japanese mixed rice with chicken and vegetables that‘s...
Rice with Mountain Vegetables (Sansai Gohan) served in a green ceramic bowl.

Sansai Gohan (Rice with Mountain Vegetables) 山菜ご飯

Sansai Gohan is a mixed rice dish filled with fresh, tender, fragrant mountain vegetables....
White bowl containing Japanese-style stuffed cabbage rolls.

Japanese Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (Video) ロールキャベツ

So savory and comforting, Japanese Stuffed Cabbage Rolls is a classic Western-style recipe popular...
A bowl containing simmered beef over steamed rice.

Yoshinoya Beef Bowl (Gyudon) (Video) 牛丼

With savory and juicy sliced beef served over steamed rice, this delicious Yoshinoya Beef...
A mason jar and a fluted plate containing Homemade yakiniku sauce (Japanese BBQ sauce) .

Yakiniku (Japanese BBQ) Sauce 焼肉のタレ

akiniku Sauce is a sweet, savory Japanese BBQ sauce for dipping thin slices of...
Ebi Fry (Fried Prawn) |

Tartar Sauce タルタルソース

Creamy and tangy with a wonderful texture, this Japanese Tartar Sauce recipe is a...
Octopus Carpaccio | Easy Japanese Recipes at

Octopus Carpaccio たこのカルパッチョ

My delicious recipe for thinly sliced Octopus Carpaccio tossed in a lemon vinaigrette is...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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