A dark plate containing Kabocha and Eggplant Oyaki (Japanese Stuffed Dumplings).

Oyaki (Japanese Stuffed Dumplings) おやき

Stuffed with sweet kabocha squash and miso eggplant, these Japanese dumplings Oyaki are popular...
A Japanese shokupan toast topped with butter, sweet red bean paste, and fresh whipped cream.

Ogura Toast 小倉トースト

Ogura Toast is a Nagoya specialty breakfast with warm toasted Japanese milk bread, sweet...
Two bowls containing fine and chunky sweet red bean paste (anko).

Pressure Cooker Anko (Red Bean Paste) 粒あん・こしあん (圧力鍋)

Delicious and easy anko recipe (red bean paste) prepared in a pressure cooker just...
Mizu Yokan (Red Bean Jelly) | Easy Japanese Recipes at JustOneCookbook.com

Mizu Yokan (Video) 水ようかん

Easy Mizu Yokan recipe with delightful chestnuts in red bean jelly is a chilled...
A black ceramic containing Fruit Jelly.

Fruit Jelly フルーツ寒天

This easy, chilled Fruit Jelly dessert is perfect for cooling down on a hot...
Matcha Zenzai | Easy Japanese Recipes at JustOneCookbook.com

Matcha Zenzai (Video) 抹茶ぜんざい

Matcha Zenzai is a sweet dessert soup with your favorite Japanese flavors and textures...
A round plate containing Dorayaki (Japanese Red Bean Pancake).

Dorayaki (Japanese Red Bean Pancake) (Video) どら焼き

Dorayaki is a classic Japanese honey pancake sandwich with sweet red bean paste that‘s...
A Japanese red plate containing daifuku mochi.

Daifuku (Video) 大福

A popular Japanese confection, Daifuku is a small, round mochi filled with sweet red bean paste...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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