Tonjiru served in a black bowl.

Instant Pot Tonjiru (Pork and Vegetable Miso Soup) 豚汁(圧力鍋)

Tonjiru (sometimes called Butajiru) is a hearty pork and vegetable miso soup. With just...
Spinach ohitashi in white ceramic plates.

Spinach Ohitashi (Japanese Spinach Salad) ほうれん草のお浸し

Steeped in a dashi-based broth, Japanese Spinach Salad uses the classic yet simple ohitashi method to...
Salmon kasuzuke served on a Japanese plate.

Salmon Kasuzuke 鮭の粕漬け

With a deep aroma and elegant flavor, Salmon Kasuzuke (sake lees-marinated salmon) is a...
Tsukemono - Shoyuzuke (Japanese Soy Sauce Pickling) in a white bowl.

Tsukemono – Shoyuzuke (Soy Sauce Pickling) 醤油漬け

Shoyuzuke or Soy Sauce Pickling is one of the easiest tsukemono (Japanese pickles) you...
Bamboo rice in a bizen Japanese rice bowl and in a donabe (Japanese clay pot).

Bamboo Rice (Takenoko Gohan) (Video) たけのこご飯

Cooked in classic Japanese dashi broth, this simple and elegant Bamboo Rice or Takenoko Gohan...
Grilled mackerel (saba shioyaki) on a Japanese style plate, served with miso soup, rice and pickles.

Grilled Mackerel (Saba Shioyaki) 鯖の塩焼き

Baked in the oven, this Grilled Mackerel or Saba Shioyaki is the simplest fish...
Black ceramic bowls containing Japanese Mixed Rice (Takikomi Gohan).

Instant Pot Takikomi Gohan (Video) 炊き込みご飯(圧力鍋)

Instant Pot Takikomi Gohan is traditional Japanese mixed rice with chicken and vegetables that‘s...
A black plate containing Pickled Lotus Root (Su Renkon), garnished with chopped red chili pepper.

Pickled Lotus Root (Su Renkon) 酢れんこん

Marinated in a sweet vinegared sauce, Pickled Lotus Root or Su Renkon is a popular...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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