A white bowl containing Tan Tan Ramen (Tantanmen) which consists of ramen noodles and spicy creamy sesame soup, topped with savory ground pork mixture and blanched bok choy.

Tan Tan Ramen (Tantanmen) 坦々麺

Adapted from the Sichuan dish, Tan Tan Ramen (Tantanmen) is a spicy Japanese ramen...
A mason jar containing Japanese Chili Oil (La-yu).

Homemade La-yu (Rayu Japanese Chili Oil)

Homemade la-yu (Japanese Chili Oil) is an aromatic seasoning that adds a spicy accent...
A rice bowl containing steamed rice sprinkled with furikake rice seasoning.

Furikake (Japanese Rice Seasoning) ふりかけ

Furikake is a savory-sweet rice seasoning of sesame seeds, katsuobushi, and nori seaweed that‘s...
A blue bowl containing cold somen noodles topped with thinly sliced sudachi citrus.

Cold Somen Noodles with Sudachi Lime すだちそうめん

Bathed in an icy shiro dashi soup broth, this Cold Somen Noodles with Sudachi...
A mason jar containing Homemade Shiro Dashi (Versatile Dashi Base).

Homemade Shiro Dashi (Versatile Dashi Base) 白だし

Homemade Shiro Dashi is a light-colored broth base that allows you to season food...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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