A white plate containing Takoyaki (Octopus Balls) topped with a generous drizzle of takoyaki sauce, Japanese mayo, aonori, katsuobushi.

Takoyaki Recipe (Video) たこ焼き

Takoyaki are a popular Japanese street food with bits of octopus inside hot grilled...
A green plate containing teriyaki chicken quesadilla.

Teriyaki Chicken Quesadilla

Delicious teriyaki chicken quesadilla with juicy chicken thighs marinated in a savory teriyaki sauce...
A white gratin dish containing Seafood Doria (Rice Gratin).

Seafood Doria (Rice Gratin) (Video) シーフードドリア

Seafood Doria is a popular Japanese yoshoku dish. This rice gratin features your choice...
A white plate containing Caesar Salad with Homemade Croutons.

Caesar Salad with Homemade Croutons (Video)

Refreshing caesar salad with romaine lettuce and homemade garlic croutons, great party food and...
A casserole containing Curry Doria (Japanese Rice Gratin).

Curry Doria (Rice Gratin) (Video) カレードリア

Japanese rice gratin with delicious curry meat sauce on top of rice and topped...
Taiyaki served on a wooden plate.

Taiyaki (Video) 鯛焼き

A classic street vendor snack in Japan, Taiyaki is a warm, fish-shaped cake with sweet red...
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