A white ceramic plate containing Japanese fried rice (Yakimeshi).

Quick and Tasty Fried Rice Recipes for Weeknight Meals

From chicken fried rice to shrimp fried rice to kimchi fried rice, these tasty...
Rice bowls containing freshly cooked brown rice.

How to Cook Short-Grain Brown Rice in a Rice Cooker 玄米

Learn how to cook Japanese short-grain brown rice in a rice cooker. Follow my...
A rice bowl containing steamed rice sprinkled with furikake rice seasoning.

Furikake (Japanese Rice Seasoning) ふりかけ

Furikake is a savory-sweet rice seasoning of sesame seeds, katsuobushi, and nori seaweed that‘s...
A octagon plate containing Tenshinhan (Crab Omelette Over Rice).

Tenshinhan (Crab Omelette Over Rice) 天津飯

Tender omelette served over dome-shaped steamed rice and blanketed in a thick sweet and...
A white plate containing Pickled Mustard Green Fried Rice (Takana Chahan).

Pickled Mustard Greens Fried Rice (Takana Chahan) 高菜チャーハン

This Pickled Mustard Greens Fried Rice—known as Takana Chahan—is a popular regional dish from Kyushu. Thanks...
A ceramic rice container filled with Okowa (Japanese Mixed Glutinous Rice).

Japanese Sticky Rice with Chicken and Vegetables (Okowa) 五目おこわ

Japanese Sticky Rice with Chicken and Vegetables, known as Okowa, is a popular savory...
A rice bowl containing Myoga Yukari Mazegohan.

Myoga Yukari Rice (Mazegohan) ミョウガとゆかりの混ぜご飯

This Myoga Yukari Mazegohan is a wonderful summer mixed rice made with Japanese ginger...
A donburi bowl containing grilled eel fillet over steamed rice.

Unadon (Grilled Eel Rice Bowl) (Video) 鰻丼

A classic Unadon (Japanese Eel Rice Bowl) recipe with sweet caramelized homemade unagi sauce...
A rice bowl containing steamed rice topped with Yukari Shiso Rice Seasoning.

Yukari (Shiso Rice Seasoning) ゆかり

Tangy, fragrant, and flavorful, Yukari (Shiso Rice Seasoning) is made of red shiso leaves...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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