A ceramic plate containing Yakitori Style Grilled Vegetables along with Nigori Sake.

Yakitori-Style Grilled Vegetables 焼き野菜盛り合わせ

Glazed in a homemade tare sauce, these Yakitori-Style Grilled Vegetables vow to bring colors...
Japanese-style meal prep.

Meal Prep DIY Bowls

Save time and money by meal prepping healthy, home-cooked DIY Bowls. A balanced weeknight...
A Japanese bowl containing steamed rice, topped with soy-caramelized pork slices and pickled red ginger.

Butadon (Pork Donburi) 豚丼

A specialty of Hokkaido, Japan, Butadon is an easy rice bowl dish with grilled...
Tonjiru (Pork and Vegetable Soup) served with grilled salmon, steamed rice, and vegetable side dishes.

Tonjiru (Pork and Vegetable Miso Soup) (Video) 豚汁

Tonjiru (also known as butajiru) is a savory pork and vegetable miso soup that...
A Japanese earthenware pot (donabe) containing Mizutaki (Japanese Chicken Hot Pot) filled with chicken, tofu, mushrooms, and all kinds of vegetables.

Mizutaki (Chicken Hot Pot) 水炊き

Mizutaki or Japanese Chicken Hot Pot is a dish that chicken, assorted vegetables, mushrooms,...
All-Purpose Miso Meat Sauce (Niku Miso) over steamed rice.

All-Purpose Miso Meat Sauce (Niku Miso) 肉味噌

My easy Miso Meat Sauce (Niku Miso) is a savory-sweet side dish for your...
Shrimp Egg Rolls on a serving platter along with Negi Miso Sauce.

Shrimp Egg Rolls 海老の春巻き

Deep-fried to golden brown deliciousness, these crispy Shrimp Egg Rolls with negi miso sauce...
Thin slices of Chashu on the cutting board.

Chashu チャーシュー

Make this melt-in-your-mouth Chashu pork belly at home! Braised in a sweet and savory...
A donabe containing udon noodles, chicken, fish cakes, deep fried tofu, mushrooms, and leeks in a hearty miso broth.

Miso Nikomi Udon 味噌煮込みうどん

Miso Nikomi Udon is a hearty, comforting noodle soup with chicken, fish cake, and...
A plate containing Pan-Fried Ginger Pork Belly along with shredded cabbage.

Pan-Fried Ginger Pork Belly from Kodoku no Gurume 豚バラ生姜焼き

Featured in the popular Japanese drama “Kodoku no Gurume,” this Pan-Fried Ginger Pork Belly...
A bowl containing Miso Pork and Eggplant Stir-Fry over steamed rice.

Miso Pork and Eggplant Stir-Fry 豚肉とナスの味噌炒め

Miso Pork and Eggplant Stir-Fry is a delicious and easy weeknight meal of tender...
Kimchi Gyoza Nabe served in donabe (Japanese earthenware pot).

Kimchi Gyoza Nabe (Hot Pot) キムチ餃子鍋

Kimchi Gyoza Nabe is a Japanese hot pot with the savory deliciousness of succulent...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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