A ceramic plate containing Hiyashi Chuka (Cold Ramen) with Sesame Miso Sauce. Chilled noodles are served with sliced tomatoes, shredded chicken, and cucumber.

Hiyashi Chuka (Cold Ramen) with Sesame Miso Sauce 冷やし中華 胡麻味噌ダレ

Hiyashi Chuka is popular cold ramen noodle dish topped with shredded chicken and julienned...
A bowl containing Miso Pork and Eggplant Stir-Fry over steamed rice.

Miso Pork and Eggplant Stir-Fry 豚肉とナスの味噌炒め

Miso Pork and Eggplant Stir-Fry is a delicious and easy weeknight meal of tender...
A Japanese ceramic bowl containing Simmered Kiriboshi Daikon.

Simmered Kiriboshi Daikon 切り干し大根の煮物

Cooked in a seasoned broth, Simmered Kiriboshi Daikon is a traditional Japanese side dish...
Rice with Mountain Vegetables (Sansai Gohan) served in a green ceramic bowl.

Sansai Gohan (Rice with Mountain Vegetables) 山菜ご飯

Sansai Gohan is a mixed rice dish filled with fresh, tender, fragrant mountain vegetables....
Three kinds of vegetable miso soups; each served in a Japanese wooden bowl.

Vegetable Miso Soup 野菜のお味噌汁

A bowl of piping hot Vegetable Miso Soup is a simple mix of comfort,...
Japanese Fried Rice with Edamame, Tofu and Hijiki Seaweed on a white plate served with wooden utensils.

Japanese Fried Rice with Edamame, Tofu and Hijiki Seaweed 枝豆とひじきのチャーハン

My easy copycat recipe for Trader Joe‘s Japanese Fried Rice with Edamame, Tofu, and...
A Japanese blue and white rice bowl containing Takikomi Gohan (Mixed Rice).

Takikomi Gohan (Japanese Mixed Rice) (Video) 炊き込みご飯

Takikomi Gohan is a Japanese mixed rice recipe with seasonal ingredients—a comforting and gluten-free...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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