An oval plate containing 3 pieces of Onigiri (Japanese Rice Balls) placed on a bamboo leaf.

Onigiri (Japanese Rice Balls) (Video) おにぎり

With a variety of fillings, Onigiri (Japanese Rice Balls) are a beloved food in...
Sushi oke (Hangiri) containing sushi rice made with cooked Japanese short-grain rice, rice vinegar, sugar, and salt.

How to Make Sushi Rice (Video) 酢飯

Homemade sushi rice recipe, simple instructions on how to make sushi rice with dashi...
A octagon plate containing Tenshinhan (Crab Omelette Over Rice).

Tenshinhan (Crab Omelette Over Rice) 天津飯

Tender omelette served over dome-shaped steamed rice and blanketed in a thick sweet and...
A white plate containing Pickled Mustard Green Fried Rice (Takana Chahan).

Pickled Mustard Greens Fried Rice (Takana Chahan) 高菜チャーハン

This Pickled Mustard Greens Fried Rice—known as Takana Chahan—is a popular regional dish from Kyushu. Thanks...
A rice bowl containing steamed rice topped with Yukari Shiso Rice Seasoning.

Yukari (Shiso Rice Seasoning) ゆかり

Tangy, fragrant, and flavorful, Yukari (Shiso Rice Seasoning) is made of red shiso leaves...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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