Wire basket containing golden and crispy Kushikatsu (Kushiage) served with savory sauce.

Kushikatsu (Kushiage) (Video) 串カツ・串揚げ

Kushikatsu (Kushiage) are popular Japanese meat and veggie skewers deep-fried to a golden crisp...
A Japanese ceramic bowl containing Simmered Kiriboshi Daikon.

Simmered Kiriboshi Daikon 切り干し大根の煮物

Cooked in a seasoned broth, Simmered Kiriboshi Daikon is a traditional Japanese side dish...
Sata Andagi (Okinawan Doughnuts) in a white basket.

Sata Andagi (Okinawan Doughnuts) サーターアンダギー

You only need 3 ingredients to make a delicious Okinawan treat called Sata Andagi....
A white bowl containing sapporo soup curry.

Sapporo Soup Curry 札幌スープカレー

Sapporo Soup Curry is a cozy Japanese dish of tender chicken and crispy fried...
A dark plate containing Kabocha and Eggplant Oyaki (Japanese Stuffed Dumplings).

Oyaki (Japanese Stuffed Dumplings) おやき

Stuffed with sweet kabocha squash and miso eggplant, these Japanese dumplings Oyaki are popular...
A plate containing assorted vegetable tempura.

Vegetable Tempura 野菜の天ぷら

Learn my best tips for crispy homemade Vegetable Tempura with Japanese sweet potato, kabocha...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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