A red lacquered plate containing Yatsuhashi.

Yatsuhashi 八ツ橋

Flavored with cinnamon and matcha, Yatsuhashi is the most popular traditional Japanese sweet from...
Matcha Zenzai | Easy Japanese Recipes at JustOneCookbook.com

Matcha Zenzai (Video) 抹茶ぜんざい

Matcha Zenzai is a sweet dessert soup with your favorite Japanese flavors and textures...
A Japanese red plate containing daifuku mochi.

Daifuku (Video) 大福

A popular Japanese confection, Daifuku is a small, round mochi filled with sweet red bean paste...
Vanilla, strawberry, and matcha mochi ice cream served on a glass plate.

Mochi Ice Cream (Video) もちアイス

Sweet little rice dumpling balls with creamy ice cream filling, mochi ice cream is...
A bowl containing anmitsu, a traditional dessert with kanten jelly, fruits, mochi, green tea ice cream, and sweet red bean paste.

Anmitsu (Video) あんみつ

Anmitsu is a delightful Japanese wagashi dessert with kanten jelly, fruit, mochi, red bean...
Mitarashi Dango on a blue plate.

Mitarashi Dango みたらし団子

Mitarashi Dango are traditional Japanese rice dumplings on a bamboo skewer coated in a...
White plates containing strawberry mochi cut in half.

Strawberry Mochi (Ichigo Daifuku) いちご大福

Make my recipe for Strawberry Mochi (Ichigo Daifuku) with soft and springy mochi with...
Ohagi (Botamochi) are served on a black plate.

Ohagi (Botamochi) おはぎ (ぼたもち)

Japanese Sweet Rice Balls (Ohagi/Botamochi) are made with glutinous rice and red bean paste...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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