A black plate containing Hiroshima-style OKonomiyaki topped with the savory sauce and Japanese mayo.

Hiroshima-Style Okonomiyaki (Video) 広島風お好み焼き

Hiroshima-style Okonomiyaki is a Japanese savory pancake recipe layered with noodles, fried egg, pork...
Saikoro Steak | Easy Japanese Recipes at JustOneCookbook.com

Garlic Saikoro Steak (Video) サイコロステーキ

Garlic Saikoro Steak is tender beef cubes cooked in garlic-infused oil and topped with...
A white bowl containing Cioppino (Seafood Stew) served with rustic bread.

Cioppino (Seafood Stew)

A delicious and savory seafood stew, this tomato-based Cioppino recipe is packed with clams,...
Seared Scallops | JustOneCookbook.com

Seared Scallops

My versatile Seared Scallops recipe with Japanese garlic butter soy sauce makes a tasty...
Salmon Fried Rice on a white plate.

Salmon Fried Rice 鮭チャーハン

This delicious Salmon Fried Rice recipe uses leftover rice, salted salmon, eggs, and scallion...
A flower shape bowl containing Japanese Cucumber Salad with Crab.

Japanese Cucumber Salad with Crab きゅうりとワカメと蟹の酢の物

Tossed with wakame seaweed and imitation crab meat, this sweet and tangy Japanese Cucumber...
Spinach and Feta Turnovers on a table with plates, forks, and a cup of tea.

Spinach and Feta Turnovers – Guest Post by Katherine Martinelli

Katherine Martinelli - author of Puff Pastry at Lunch shares her savory Spinach and...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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